Why City Parks Translator Parking are the hot selling in corporates

Why City Parks Translator Parking are the hot selling in corporates?

There are so many parking slots available in the market, but it is important that you choose the best out of it. This is because when you are choosing the best professional solution providers in the case of parking. You are saving a lot of money and also getting the best service that is possible. People are taking cars wherever they go and thus, there is a demand for car parking. Normal garage parking requires an of space, time and money that has to be spent. This is why corporates and industries have shifted from using normal garages to Automated Parking Systems (APS). Please continue scrolling to know more about the parking systems and the best among them.

Tips for choosing the best parking system

There are many different types of automated parking system, and it is important to analyze every type before fixing one. But there are also a few things that have to be remembered to choose the best parking system. 


Go on with the right partners

It is true that with the increase in the demand for parking systems and slots, there are a lot of companies that are ready to provide parking solutions for you. But it is important to analyse a few things before jumping off to conclusions about the partners for parking. Few tips that have to be considered are:

  • Choose the people who have a team of professional members who are knowledgeable in this area. City Park has a team of excellent people who pose depth of knowledge for providing you with the best solution regarding parking.
  • There are numerous technological developments even in manufacturing parking machines. Thus, move on with the people who can provide maximum facility features at an affordable cost.
  • When you are partnering up with technically sound people, you have a complete quality package and a touch of professionalism in the outcome, which is very important.
  • Choose to partner with customer-friendly companies and carry that duty of service even after the completion of the entire project.
  • In City Park, the corporates are provided with an annual maintenance contract through which the automated parking systems are checked annually, thus maintaining the customer-friendly relationship.

Ask questions to them.

When you are the one who is spending money on the product, you have all the right to ask any questions or queries about the parking project on your mind. It is also one of the interactive ways to find if you are proceeding a deal with the right people. Ask them about the local and other instalments that they have done before. In City Park, there are hospitals and hotels for which parking instalments maintain all the standards and professionalism. Ask them if they provide services and packages that are related to service maintenance. Their manufacturing and tariff policies.

  • Don’t get caught in misleading data.

It is important that you don’t get caught in misleading data because there are so many companies that tell you something and do something else. Thus, it would be best if you did not fall prey to words. But it is important that you look at the reviews about the company and know everything about them. This will help you in choosing the best, and liable partner for completing your project regarding parking allots.

  • Know the type of users

It is important that you are able to analyse the users that will use the parking space that you are going to construct. For example, constructing a fancy and colourful parking space in a hospital might not be pleasing. On the other hand, constructing a very basic and simple structure for a hotel or mall might look dull and boring. The more you know about your user, the more you can put an enhancement into the parking projects. Only when you are able to express your ideas perfectly, the partners whom you are providing the project can nail them on the spot.

  • The geographical area

The parking spots on the hilly areas might not be the same constructed at a flat area. Thus, it is important to analyse the condition where you want the parking system to be created. Getting help from professional parking solution providers such as City Park can help you out. These professional people have trained experience and knowledge that will help you in coming to the best conclusion possible.

  • Try thinking about the big picture.

If you have a sufficient budget, there is nothing wrong with thinking about the big picture budget. This is because when you have in mind a bigger picture. You might get some points or values that can be added to your present one. Nobody is going to force you to move with the big-budget, so think bigger. These parking slots have a scope, and thus thinking about the long-term success can also be helpful.


What are the different types of parking systems?

The Automated Parking systems are classified into basically fully automated parking, and the other is semi-automated parking. There are several types of layouts that can be considered. Depending upon the requirement of corporates and analysing the conditions of the location and purpose, the best type of parking system can be opted. A few different types of parking systems are:

  • Tower parking
  • Puzzle parking
  • Cart parking
  • Car bot parking
  • Rotatory parking
  • Translator parking

All these different kinds of parking can be provided as the best solution by the City Parking after analysing your requirements and fulfil your needs with perfect satisfaction.

The futuristic Translator parking

Among various kinds of parking systems that are available, the translator parking has gained attraction from many corporates. It has its advantages and benefits that satisfy the needs of both the management as well as the customers. Thus, it has gained so much popularity in the corporate section when parking systems are considered. The following can give you a deeper dive into the advantages of translator parking system:

ü  Simultaneous operation

The most important feature that poses as a great benefit in this translator model of car parking system is that it can be operated simultaneously. Both in the vertical and in the horizontal direction. This helps people in parking the vehicles and taking them from the parking area much faster and easier. The main difference between a normal parking garage and an automated parking system is the ease and comfort. This feature of the translator APS helps in the balance between time and action in a professional manner

ü  Less space, more vehicles

In normal parking garages, it seems extremely opposite. This is because, in that kind of parking area, it implements more space and more vehicles. But in the case of an automated parking system, a greater number of cars can be parked within less amount of space, especially in corporate companies where there are so many people working. There is also a rise in demand for a healthier parking spaces. This can be provided by the translator automated parking system.

ü  Ease of installation

Though there are many types of parking systems, it is much easier to install the translator parking system. This is because the lift in this kind of parking system makes the entrance and installation easier. The lift helps lift the car and take it to the empty slot where the vehicle can be parked. The inbuilt advantage in these kinds of parking is that it used proximity sensors that help in analysing the height, length and other dimensions of the car. By this, it helps in placing the car in the perfect parking slot.

ü  Utilisation of space

Though a hi-fi machine is used in the parking of vehicles, there is less amount of space that is used by the automated parking system. In this process, the underground area is used to the maximum utilisation. In this way, there is no wastage of space and thus can be installed with minimum space coverage but can receive an outcome of maximum utilisation.

ü  Reduction in the construction time

It is not true that when the time taken to complete a parking project is low, it is not made of good quality. There are smarter ways that can be used to construct a parking lot. For example, in the translator parking system can be constructed using steel. When they are constructed with steel, it does not just make the parking project much stronger but also decreases the time that it takes for construction. 

General advantages of automated parking systems

Of all these advantages of the translator parking system, there are also a few general advantages that are present in using Automated Parking System. A few of those general advantages are:

  • It is more efficient than the traditional method
  • It provides extended feasibility and profit to both the owner and customer
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable, along with security for vehicle and valuables

The bottom line

Thus, it is important to choose the best professionals before fixing the parking project construction. If you are interested, you can check out the City Parks to know more information. Lead into the future with futuristic features.